Luke Wilson serves as the CEO of A Rocha Canada. His experience and training are in non-profit management and sustainable community development. He has a deep calling to the ministry of A Rocha; to bring hope through the care of both people and places. A Rocha is preserving sensitive habitats and threatened species, growing food sustainably, feeding people living on a low income, inspiring school children and training young scientists.
Luke loves it when people learn new ways of treating the earth as God’s gift and when a person’s faith comes alive in the process. He has been in various marketing, communications and leadership roles with A Rocha since 2009. In his spare time, he loves hiking, beekeeping and riding his e-scooter to the office. Luke and Lindsey have three lovely children; Olivia, Ezekiel and Abigail. They call Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada, home.